Spaying and Neutering

Surgery with the most benefits – including reducing your pet’s risk for certain health issues.

As a pet owner, there are certain things that you have to do in order to watch out for your own loyal companion, as well as other pets in your area. Spaying and neutering are some of these tasks. By preventing your pet’s ability to procreate, these surgeries stop unwanted breeding and overpopulation. As always, our team here at West Brant Animal Hospital uses the most up-to-date equipment and techniques available during these and our other procedures. If you have any questions not addressed on this page, please feel free to contact our team for clarification.

What is the difference between spaying and neutering?

Spays and neuters provide the same results – they will stop your pet from being able to bear their own offspring through the removal of their reproductive organs. Spaying is performed on female pets while neutering is done on our male patients.

How old should a cat/dog/pet be before they are spayed or neutered?

Spaying and neutering can be done at approximately 6 months of age. Your pet is given an exam prior to surgery to help determine whether they are healthy enough to undergo the surgical procedure. Current vaccinations are required at the time of surgery. Also, a pre-anaesthetic blood screen is recommended prior to undergoing anaesthesia and surgery.

Can my older cat/dog be spayed or neutered?

Yes! One of the myths out there is that when pets are adults, they can no longer be spayed or neutered. The truth is that even senior-age pets can be neutered or spayed. As a precaution, patients 7-years-old and above need to be examined prior, to determine if they are good candidates for anaesthesia.

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